Trans and Gender Diverse Inclusive BreastScreening or Chest Care (Tscreening) was a project undertaken by BreastScreen Victoria to ensure their services are inclusive of Trans and Gender Diverse (TGD) people. BreastScreen Victoria achieved Rainbow Tick Accreditation in 2019. This project also complies with the recommendations by the Victorian Government that Trans and Gender Diverse people receive age appropriate screening. The Tscreen project sits alongside the Beautiful Women Campaign and includes the following:
- Expert Advisory Group
- Community survey
- Policy and information sheet
- Community consultation
- Rainbow Rose – screening session
- Sharing expertise
- A community report (here).
1. Expert Advisory Group
Since 2014, BreastScreen Victoria has been working with an Advisory Group including representatives from LGBTIQ organisations and medical experts. A subgroup of the Advisory Group has been established to oversee the development of TGD information and inclusive practices. This includes representatives from TransGender Victoria.
2. Community Survey
There is currently limited information available on breast screening and chest care for TGD people. To address this, gap BreastScreen Victoria reviewed the research and developed a confidential survey for TGD people in Victoria. The survey was launched in 2017 and included 10 questions about TGD people’s experiences and knowledge – and suggestions for TGD inclusive screening. Thank you to the 34 people who completed the survey. Read the results in the project report here.
3. Policy & information booklet
There is currently limited information available on breast screening and chest care for TGD people. To address this, gap BreastScreen Victoria reviewed the research evidence. This review (and the results of the survey) were be used to inform BreastScreen Victoria policy, staff education and information for TGD people. A policy was reviewed by the TGD Advisory Group and the information booklet was presented to participants at the community consultation for feedback. Check Breast Screen Victoria’s webpage for more information about TGD inclusive screening here.
4. Community Consultation
In November 2018, BreastScreen Victoria hosted an event for TGD people at the Rose Clinic in David Jones, Melbourne. TGD people attending the event were invited to provide feedback on the draft information sheet and any further suggestions for barriers to breast/chest screening and TGD inclusive screening. BreastScreen Victoria’s radiographers were there to answer questions. Lisa White (The Social Photographer) was also there and took photos below. Thank you to every who came – your suggestions were so useful.
5. Rainbow Rose
In 2018 BreastScreen Victoria commenced screening sessions for LBTI people at the Rose Clinic. These after hours sessions are provided for LBTI people who feel more comfortable or safer attending an LBTI specific session.
6. Sharing Expertise
In 2018 BreastScreen Victoria presented the Tscreen project at the BreastScreen Australia National Conference in Adelaide. These presentations aim to influence the development of TGD inclusive services in other states and territories.
More information
If you would like more information on any aspect of the project please contact:
- BreastScreen Victoria: Maura Connelly on (03) 9660 6863 or maurac@breastscreen.org.au
- Project coordinator: Catherine Barrett on 0429 582 237 or director@celebrateageing.com