Jack Dow: I was born with a disability, so I questioned my validity at a very early age. I had parents that instilled a strong sense of self, that I could do whatever I wanted to do and be whoever I wanted to be. A few years later when I realised I was gay, I took it in my stride as I’d questioned myself once before and didn’t need to do it again. I used a strong blue against the white as I associate it with the disabled parking signs. I’ve also added my finger prints as we are all unique
Pride means to comfortably be who you are without fear or compromise (eg: not adjusting your personality, language, attire to suit others).
My message to men who were unjustly convicted is Thank you. As a young gay man I am only partially aware of the experiences that you had to go through. It is a part of our history that I happily seek out, for it is the strength of our elders that guide us in the present and fortify us for the future. Thank you
I used to sneak out of bed to watch ‘Queer as Folk’ as I was starved for any idea of what a gay man was meant to be (I was 15 at the time). Through media alone, LGBTIQ+ characters have evolved from the tragic tale of warning or the sassy sidekick with minimal lines into characters with depth, history and conviction. For me, I’ve felt that these stories, especially when incorporated into ‘mainstream/prim time’ media play a role in allowing people to be exposed to the everyday of the LGBTIQ+ community.
I was born with a disability, so I questioned my validity at a very early age. I had parents that instilled a strong sense of self, that I could do whatever I wanted to do and be whoever I wanted to be. A few years later when I realised I was gay, I took it in my stride as I’d questioned myself once before and didn’t need to do it again. I used a strong blue against the white as I associate it with the disabled parking signs. I’ve also added my finger prints as we are all unique