David Morrison:My mask has a group of soldiers ready to obey orders but as individuals they have minds of their own. Some will be gay and have infatuations of love and desire for each other. They would love to embrace in the bushes but they know being gay is forbidden and such feelings are supressed. The letters FRS+P represent my fears of my sexual feelings (F). (R) represents the risks I have taken in the process. (S) represents the guilt and shame I’ve experienced due to my religious teachings and the attitudes towards homosexuality. (P) represents the pride I now feel having broken down these barriers. I’ve shown a smiling mouth.
Pride means I can be the person I really am, quite independent of the societal commentators on how one should think concerning one’s sexuality. To be relaxed as to how I conduct myself as a gay man in everyday activities. To feel at home with the human race in the uniqueness of each life.
My message to gay and bisexual men who were unjustly charged is to simply move on with your life and don’t try to seek approval for the person you are. Experience shows that those who don’t seek approval are the very ones who receive most approval. Seek friends, acquaintances and groups which accept and love you for the person you are. In conversations, always look people in the eye to assert your own approval because there is nothing to be ashamed of.
From us being looked upon as deviant and immoral by society, government, the churches and police, to tolerance and acceptance, gay and bisexual men have been involved with television programs, movies, education and politics. They’ve had a big influence on fashion design and for men the introduction of smart slim fit clothing and body jewellery which has caught on in a big way in the straight world. These changes came as Australia has moved towards being a secular society where the influence of religious traditions has been greatly diminished and many people make their assessments from other sources. Its only in recent times that the presence of gay and bisexual men has made impact on the powers of government and authorities. The LGBTI’s Pride March has been participated in by federal and state parliamentarians, the armed services and the police force. These changes of attitudes are not ubiquitous, there are still many people who cannot come to be open to new ideas in a progressive society
My mask has a group of soldiers ready to obey orders but as individuals they have minds of their own. Some will be gay and have infatuations of love and desire for each other. They would love to embrace in the bushes but they know being gay is forbidden and such feelings are supressed. The letters FRS+P represent my fears of my sexual feelings (F). (R) represents the risks I have taken in the process. (S) represents the guilt and shame I’ve experienced due to my religious teachings and the attitudes towards homosexuality. (P) represents the pride I now feel having broken down these barriers. I’ve shown a smiling mouth.